Hello ,


I'm Abdulrhman Alghamdi Oracle Database Administrator 2019 Certified Professional (OCP)
And i like Web Developmint
I graduated from the College of Computer Science on 2014
Interested about all things tech
This is my website i would like share my experinses and my services




This is a CRUD buld in javascript pure and stor all data in browser if you clear cache delete all data.

Personal Page

This is a basc HTML page created by HTML and CSS for learn.

Calculate Commission

This is a page calculate Commission for employees created by javascript

CRUD with Privileges

This is a longer system for crud with privileges admin and basec user created by PHP and mySQL.

Mange Employees

This is a app for mange employees created by PHP and mySQL.


This is a system for mange clients created by C# and Windows Form And SQLServer.

Create Certificate

This is a App to genrate certificate And Mange Volunteers and get reports


Prepare Oracle Database

Build and prepare oracle database server.

Prepare Oracle Database RAC

Build and prepare oracle database RAC.

Prepare Oracle Database Data Guard

Build and prepare oracle database Data Guard.


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